Who sings which part in moments by one direction

He can't wait for the moment he can tell her everything he wanted to say, to see her again. If he knew she was going to die, he would have said something different to her before she left. That's just how I interpreted it after re-listening to it from what Ed Sheeran said. I think it's quite sad- it makes me cry : bluebelle on January 24, Link. Song Meaning It is about a girl who dies. Her boyfriend becomes so sad, lonely and depressed.

He thinks that the only way to heal his pain is to kill himself to be with her. During Niall Horan's part, he says: Shut the door Throw the key He means that he locks himself in a room. He goes to the window and prepares himself to jump. In Zayn Malik's part, he talks about as he is falling he sees wonderful memories or moments.

He even states: Feel myself fall Make a joke of it all This is what the song means. Its very sad and no one should ever have to go through this. Its a beautifully written song by Ed Sheeran. Next time you listen to this song, listen really close to the lyrics and reply to me about what you think. Agree dominika on August 25, General Comment Like many others, I believe this song is about a girl dying from an unknown cause, maybe a sickness, cancer? I find the chorus to be just a filler, because if you read the lyrics between the repeated chorus, it really tells a story.

This is my interpretation of it. The first two paragraphs, in my opinion, are about his lover being in the hospital, in a hospital bed. He just wants to 'shut the door' and 'turn the lights off', and just be with her. Enjoy these moments. The second paragraph, is about him laying down beside her. He starts to realize in his head what is going on.

Then the chorus interrupts. Niall's part is next. At this point, I believe the girl has died, and he just 'closes the door' and 'throws the key'. He just walked into his home, as his lover has just passed. His judgement is clouded, as his lover is gone, and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Next is Louis's part. I picture him just sitting down on his bed, just letting the shock sink in. Then the chorus interrupts again.

Now to Zayn's part. Sorry for my english, I'm french. I had tears in my eyes the first time I heard it. I bawled my eyes out when I found out that it's about a boyfriend committing suicide after his girlfriend dies. As much as I want this to have a video I don't think I can stand to see the boys depressed even as acting in there videos. First song that has moved me enough to make me cry my eyes dry. You'll understand this especially in zayn's part where he is singing about them being young when they were best friends and after all theses years they are together.

Then he sings about being on the edge of the bed and his clothes piled there. Liam also brings this part up right at the beginning when he sings trembling hands touch skin signifying something they have never done before. I think moments is a song with a lot of meaning and regret. One direction are trying to point out you don't know how much you'll miss something until it's gone. In particular it's about a break up and how much the boys will give to go back to what they had before with their ex partner.

Its about how hard it is to get over someone no matter how hard you try they still mightn't want you back. Its a really sad song. But 1d are super hott! Lol go zaynn! And nialler and liammm and louiee and harry :.

I think the song is beautiful and it is about two people who love each other a lot but something deep and intense happened betweem them you cansee how close they were in the song and the guy really wants her to stay so that it get backs to what it was but the girl is soo heartbroken or confused that she needs to leave probably in her mind it is irreversable but the guy is alomst begging her to stay wishing that she will get over it and see that he would do anything for her that's why there is the part turn back time and have that life they shared together for a little longer he doesn't want to move forward you can really feel him breaking in the lyrics.

Two people in a relationship and one of them is leaving the other, and the other person just wants their relationship to go back to the way it was, hence the line, "if we could only turn back time". The person is saying to the one that is leaving that they are their world and they cannot live without them.

This song is about a guy who's girlfriend died and he feels like he can't live without her so he wants to commit suicide and in Zayn's solo he does. He thinks about all the memories they had together before she died. Its a really emotional song and the first time I listened to it I actually burst into tears.

Amazing song and the meaning could help a lot of people as it could relate to their life some how. One Direction saved my life and many other teenage girls too. People think this song is about other things but its not about sex or other things people have said it is about. This song is about a girl who has died and her boyfriend is thinking of the memories and how it used to be when she was alive and thinking if time could turn back he would give her everything she wanted and more and he would tell her how much she really means to him before she dies and then he can't take it no more so he kills himself to be with her.

It's about a girl dying and her boyfriend is so heartbroken, he wants to comitt suicide. This whole song is just about him remembering all the good times they had together, but he knows he cant't get her back. I love this song soo much; it's my favorite 1d song.

It's quite sad, but I really connected to it when my grandmother died. Well not all of it reminded me of her there's a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed. Thanks 1d for pulling out of the pit I was in, couldn't have done it without you! Moments is about a girl that dies for some mysterious reason.

The girl's lover is so distressed that he attempts suicide. In the heat of the moment, he realizes that it shouldn't end like this. He sjould live for her. That's what she would have wanted. He flashes back to all the good times they had together as he slips under, moments to late to save himself. He knows he shouldn't have done it. He should have lived on for her, even if it was in misery.

He's too late. He dies there in her room. Write about your feelings and thoughts about Moments Know what this song is about? Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Make sure you've read our simple tips Hey! It's useful. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you: Don't write just "I love this song. Write song meaning. Sign up or log in with. Post meaning.

More One Direction lyrics. Stand Up. Stole My Heart. Save You Tonight. Gotta Be You. Another World. What Makes You Beautiful. Math Song. Night Changes. You Don't Know You're Beautiful. View 10 more explanations. Write an explanation. Bold Italic Link Add an image new!

Explanation guidelines: Describe what artist is trying to say in a certain line, whether it's personal feelings, strong statement or something else. Provide song facts, names, places and other worthy info that may give readers a perfect insight on the song's meaning. Add links, pictures and videos to make your explanation more appealing.

Provide quotes to support the facts you mention. Really wish Ed would perform it too so we could hear it by him. I think Moments is a song about a boy who loes his girlfriend, and as featured in the lyris, it seems as if she's in her bed, so she must've died in her sleep or commited suicide in the room. The boy is so sad he can't live without her. He wants to tell her he loves her and not to kill herself and she means everything to him. Then depression gets him. His thoughs are foggy.

He leavs his house and throws the key away, ever wanting to come home again. He climbs a tall buidling, and remembers times they had. When he reaches the top, he stands over the edge, and his toes are numb. He remembers leaving his clothes by her bed, which must mean the slept together. And insted of feeling scared, he makes a joke of it and knows he will see her again in hevean.

To me the song "moments"lean towards memory of a love which true love, i recently seen a you tube clip with this song as a tribute to gay character paul coker who died from TV show Eastenders,who died on the show and the clip shows he and his boyfriend Ben mitchell in funny and sad times together, during this clip which i have now played many times brings tears to my eyes every single time, i truly believe it could either?

Please let me know if u agree or disagree with this,R :. I think this song is about a girl that is dying and her boyfriend can't stand the fact that she was leaving him so he committed suicide at the time she died and he just wanted to have every single moment left with her.

It's about a loved one who died,and can't deal with the pain and suffering. Then flashes good-times-together memories and doesn't think very carefully and goes on top of a skyscraper really tall building and jumps And make a joke of it all Songs don't have a right or wrong meaning. Listen to the lyrics, and what tree ver it means to you is correct.

Who writes a song can think of the meaning differently than someone listening, and people listening can view it differently. The correct meaning is whatever it means to you.

I am pretty sure that Ed Sheeran said this song was about a lad who's girlfriend died and he commits suicide. This song is about a guy who was madly in love with a girl. They are seriously in love and dating, but then the girl dies and the guy tries to kill himself so he can be with her. He is loving her even though she's dead. The song is self explanatory but it's about a boy whose love of his life and committed suicide. He remembers every thing they did but being without her breaks his hearts.

One day he can't stand it anymore.


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