Who is the exorcist girl

Recent blog posts Forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Regan MacNeil. Edit source History Talk 1. Pazuzu first manifests himself from inside Regan. Time Inc. Entertainment Weekly.

Time, Inc. Cancel Save. It was then when I got a call to try out for The Exorcist. I met with the casting director and read some dialogue and then I got a call back to meet with the director. I was only 13, so they wanted to meet with my mother and he asked me to read the book. I read the novel but with no real comprehension of the story. I was just too young.

Then we spent all summer long rehearsing and doing make-up tests. Bowdern who performed the famous three-month exorcism portrayed in the movie. Blatty, who was studying at Georgetown at the time, told the paper that "the '49 case inspired me. It was notoriously publicized in the Washington area. I believe this one was the real thing. From the beginning William Blatty wanted William Friedkin to interpret his book for the screen.

Friedkin told The Hollywood Reporter in that Kubrick turned down the role, saying, "I only like to develop my own stuff. This reportedly led to a long battle between Blatty and the studio on whether or not they'd hire Friedkin.

After his film " The French Connection " proved successful, Friedkin said Blatty was called into a meeting with executives from Warner who told him: "Bill, we've seen 'The French Connection,' and we want him more than you do now. Friedkin told Vice in that there were a few A-listers who wanted to play the role of Father Karras, but he ultimately decided to go with Jason Miller.

Miller was a lesser-known actor but had written the Pulitzer Prize-winning play "The Championship Season," which Friedkin saw during a casting trip to New York.

Many others. And I had an instinct to not hire a star. I did not want to put someone like that in a priest collar. According to IMDb, the studio wanted Marlon Brando to star as Father Merrin, but Friedkin again declined to go with a less-famous name, in this case to avoid the movie turning into a "Brando movie" instead of his movie.

Getting the right actress to play year-old Regan MacNeil was tough for Friedkin because there weren't many young actresses he felt could play such an intense role.

Friedkin told NPR in that he then tried casting and year-old girls instead, but he came up empty because he "felt that the experience of doing this film would have damaged most of those young girls. But then "Linda came in at the very end, when we thought we couldn't make the film.

Her mother brought her in to see me without an appointment. She was so well-adjusted. She was a straight-A student in Westport, Connecticut. And she was a totally together young girl. Blair's mother was on set to keep an eye on her daughter and tutors were hired so Blair didn't fall behind in school. During an interview with the American Film Institute in , the actor joked, "I was supposed to be so much older than myself.

I had to wear so much makeup that when I thought I made a facial reaction, it didn't show. The film was also the last role for actor Jack MacGowran, who played the alcoholic filmmaker who meets a bad end. He finished the role, but died from the flu before the movie was released.

Though it all happened during the making of The Exorcist , Friedkin dismisses any notion the set was actually haunted. Instead, awful things that might have happened during the making of any movie took on a superstitious significance because of the subject matter of this one.

The set is burning to the ground right now as we speak. The set, which was the interior of the home where Regan and her mother lived, was located in an old New York soundstage. Though the reason for the fire was never certain, Friedkin believes the cause had claws, wings, and a foul odor…. Production was shut down for two months. A costly delay, although hardly the worst the devil has ever done. The truth is, he used the sound of bees in some early sequences, which triggers an innate fear response in most people.

That face, pictured above, was never meant to be fully detected by the audience. As for other images people purport to see in the film …? Unless, as the Rev. Billy Graham proposed, the devil really did makes its way into some frames of The Exorcist. Home Movies The Exorcist : 10 creepy details from the scariest movie ever made.


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