Who is boba fetts mother
At Celebration , Lucasfilm showed a clip the episode intended as part of a four-episode arc. Boba Fett would have teamed up with the bounty hunter Cad Bane, who had known his father, and would have worn his classic green armor for the first time.
The episode would have eventually seen Boba and Cad at odds, setting up an epic duel between the two. Boba Fett has a much deeper history with Luke Skywalker than what we initially knew from the movies. In fact, the two first crossed paths years before their very brief shootout on Cloud City and longer duel in Return of the Jedi.
Considering that no one had never escaped the sarlacc, this was a serious feat—and prevented him from the horrible fate of being digested for one thousand years. Mark Hamill himself confirmed that he suggested this surprise twist to Lucas, which may have actually been the origin of the fan theory. He had no idea at the time that Lucas was preparing to add Princess Leia to the Skywalker family and reveal her relationship to Luke in Return of the Jedi.
One can see where this idea might have come up in the many, many iterations of Star Wars scripts Lucas created. All along, he wanted to tell a story about family, about the ways the Skywalker family is broken and the ways it gets put back together.
Looping Fett in would have added to that. But Lucas also had an immutable idea about the tone of his story, and no matter how high-flying the space adventure got, some things were just too convoluted or too convenient. Boba Fett and Vader remained related only by their nefarious careers. Trade routes and political intrigue, blood tests for the Force, and perhaps worst of all, Jar Jar Binks.
Highlight: The light-saber battle between Qui-Gon Jinn Liam Neeson and Darth Maul Ray Park - they're the two most interesting characters the movie has to offer, so naturally both get killed off before the closing credits roll. Worst Part: Any utterance of the word "Yippee! This installment introduces a hockey-haired Hayden Christensen as a petulant Anakin, smitten with Senator Amidala Natalie Portman , despite her noting, "To me, you'll always be that little boy on Tatooine" upon their reunion.
Also, there are clones. Worst Part: Anakin woos his lady in a CG meadow that looks like the set of a toilet paper commercial. No one can forget the immortal line, "I don't like sand. This first non-"Episode" movie in the series is less a film and more of a collection of Easter eggs for hardcore fans to find and enjoy.
Worst Part: The fact that the film prioritizes plot details over character -- especially since the existence of "Episode IV" assures that we already know how this one ends.
If only so much time weren't spent with those cutesy Ewoks, whose annoying presence presages the juvenile tone of the prequels. Highlight: The speeder chase through the forests of Endor, one of the most breathtakingly exciting sequences in the entire saga.
It's quite the tale, but it doesn't necessarily mesh with the new canon, at least not at first glance. Boba Fett could very well have a secret daughter, as that window of his past is completely unaccounted for. However, in order for her story to reach our screens, she would actually have to be successful in her hunt for her father. Ailyn was born around 15 BBY, meaning she would be about The perfect age for a clash of bounty hunters in the new series, followed by a family reunion and possibly a new main cast member.
A new family member is exactly what Boba Fett needs at this point. After years of solitude living on Tattooine, perhaps a meeting with his estranged daughter will remind him of his humanity and the life he had when he took off that iconic helmet. Then, once he's done with his armor, he can pass it down, like his father passed it down to him.
Ailyn Vel is the daughter of two bounty hunters. Her journeys are prime spinoff material, and it all starts with The Book of Boba Fett.