Who invented san valentin

Gradually, St Valentine's name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved. Should MPs be allowed to do another job? How Christmas can still sparkle with plastic-free glitter. Meet the year-old world record breaking sprinter! Home Menu. What is Valentine's Day and how did it start? Getty Images. Every year on February 14th, hundreds of lovers swear love and faithfulness in front of Saint Valentine's grave in the basilica of Tirni near Rome.

Pope Gelasius Getty Images. King Charles II of Sweden popularized the use of red roses as a sign of your romantic love in the 17th century. Valentine's Day card from the 's. Cavan Images Getty Images. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

If you're not faint of heart, though, you'll enjoy learning about everything we've compiled here. Who knows? It might even inform your Valentine's Day wishes! The day is named, of course, for St. Valentine—we all know that by now. But why? Who is this mysterious Valentine? According to The New York Times , it's possible that the love-filled holiday is based on a combination of two men.

It's believed that the Catholic Church may have established St. Valentine's Day in order to honor these men, who they believed to be martyrs. What's more, it's possible that one of these men, Saint Valentine of Terni, had been secretly officiating weddings for Roman soldiers against the emperor's wishes, making him, in some eyes, a proponent of love. Another story involves the practice of writing love letters to your Valentine. It's said that St. And, in a precursor to greeting cards, he handed out paper hearts to remind Christians of their love for God.

Because of this legend, St. Valentine became known as the patron saint of love. The Saint Valentine prayer asks Saint Valentine to connect lovers together, so that two become one, and the couple remembers their devotion to God. While the Saint Valentine story set the groundwork for establishing the day as a holiday for romantic love, what truly solidified the connection between Saint Valentine and love was a poem by medieval author Geoffrey Chaucer in , which historians consider the origin of the "modern" celebration of Valentine's Day, where we celebrate our romantic partnership with one other person.

Chaucer lived in the Middle Ages, the era of courtly love, when broad, romantic statements of devotion—poems, songs, paintings—celebrated partnership.

By the end of the 15th century, the word "valentine" was being used to describe a lover in poems and songs of the day, and in the 18th century, a book called The Young Man's Valentine Writer was published in England. By the midth century, mass-produced paper Valentine's Cards were being created though Valentine card ideas are still worth trying , and Valentine's Day as we know it was born. The truth about Valentine's Day history is that the romantic holiday isn't immune to trauma.

In Prohibition Chicago in , seven men were killed by a gang organized by Al Capone on February The Valentine's Day Massacre became a flashpoint in Prohibition history, with police and lawmakers going after the gangs and mobs that had formed in cities to control then-illegal substances like alcohol.


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