Who invented limewire
It used the Gnutella network. To download music, you simply had to search the name of the song you wanted. There were quality ratings out of 5 stars next to the songs which helped with downloading the best file. Then you would simply choose the song and download it. And voila! Music for free. Ah, the memories of illegal downloading. The End Of An Era Though LimeWire specifically warned users that its software was not designed to be used for the illegal downloading and sharing of copy written materials, most users completely ignored this warning.
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How do you cancel your LimeWire account? Is LimeWire legal? Study Guides. Trending Questions. What is the fourth element of the periodic table of elements?
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Get the Answers App. All Rights Reserved. He's also launched a technology project that encourages green urban planning. Who does? But actually, Mr Gorton has made substantial sums from LimeWire.
And having started out as a trader with Credit Suisse, he knows a bit about finance: he runs his own brokerage firm as well as LimeWire. But expect the music companies to go for blood — they are already accusing him of having rearranged his finances to hide some of his wealth.